National Highway Sector Scheme 13

Unlucky for some? Not if you achieve certification to this scheme!
We are continuing our NHSS blog series with the requirements for scheme 13. Let's have a look at what's under the surface.
National Highway Sector Scheme 13 relates to “The Supply and Application of Surface Treatments to Road Surfaces.”
Businesses that can benefit from NHSS 13 certification include those that facilitate:
Surface Dressing
Micro surfacing
Spray Injection Patching
Fine Milling
Geosynthetics & Steel Meshes
As we stated in our last post, all of the individual Sector Schemes are designed to work in conjunction with ISO 9001, expanding on that framework with the industry specific requirements for your business, in this case surface treatment.
They include the minimum standards and requirements for:
Workmanship, services, products and testing
Training and competency requirements for operatives and supervisors
Qualifications for auditors used by certification bodies
Specific elements of environmental and other management systems
There are several advantages to getting registered under this, or other NHSS if your business has previously worked with Highways England, or you plan to tender for future work:
A competitive edge - You may have an advantage over competitors who are not certified to NHSS.
A better understanding of risk, and how to manage it - the NHSS assessment process can help you pinpoint areas of risk in your operations, especially using a Quality Plan
New opportunities - NHSS registration can open up contracts in new areas such as for the national road network.
Greater visibility - you can join the online Schedule of Suppliers, the only comprehensive national register of independently approved contractors and subcontractors
Access to expertise and support - some trade associations will only accept new members who are NHSS registered
So, if you are working in one of the above sectors and are looking to register for National Highway Sector Scheme 13, whether you have ISO9001 or not, we can help you achieve certification.
If you already have NHSS 13 and need support maintaining your management system, then we can help with that too!
Contact us at and find out how we can help today.