Are you working in the UK road network?
Do you have NHSS certification?

Whether the answer is yes or no, we can help!
In today’s article we are looking at what NHSS certification is, and why you should have it.
We will also be posting about some of the specific schemes themselves, so keep an eye out for more blog posts soon.
More than just ISO
National Highways Sector Schemes (NHSS) are quality management systems for organisations working on the UK road network.
They are based on ISO9001 but provide additional, specific requirements for the various road network industries.
If your business supplies services to Highways England under the Specification for Highways Works (SHW), you must be certified under all the relevant schemes for the work you are doing.
This is a mandatory requirement under the SHW, unless your customer’s contract states otherwise.
There are over 20 individual NHSS schemes, covering activities ranging from traffic management, road surfacing, road marking, and vehicle safety restraints to, fencing and landscaping.
Individual NHSS schemes come under several main categories:
Road surfacing and marking
Fencing and vehicle safety restraints
Temporary traffic management
Fasteners and structural steelwork and coatings
Lighting, electronics and road traffic signs
Vehicle recovery
Tunnel management and incident management
You can see a list of current schemes on the schedule of suppliers’ website.
NHSS will be relevant to your business if it includes any of the following:
Main contractors and subcontractors who work on the motorway or trunk road network
Contractors or subcontractors that work on or beside roads, including those involved in landscaping work
Manufacturers, installers and repairers of products covered by a scheme
Highway designers and consultants
Whether you are looking to implement a specific NHSS, or are support with your existing management systems, contact us at and find out how we can help today.