Integrated Management Systems
At a glance:
An integrated management systems works much the same way as an individual system, however it covers all of the requirements of each standard you include. Don't worry, it isn't as difficult or expensive as you might think.
Gain the benefits of each of the standards you are integrating, as well as demonstrate to your clients that you hold a multi-disciplined management system, putting you ahead of your competitors with a combined certificate.
Our process for multiple standards is similar to our process for one, especially in the case of standards with a unified clause structure.
How it works:
Integrating more than one ISO standard into a single management system is much easier than it might sound and yet demonstrates real dedication to your clients.
ISO9001 Annex A details the structure that it, and many of the other ISO standards now follow. This structure allows integration to go smoothly and without the need for multiple, complicated manuals and cross referencing.
For this reason, our process is very much the same as an individual standard. For details on how the process works, you can visit the individual pages for the standards you are interested in combining.
If you are unsure which standards would be of most benefit to your business, why not arrange a free consultation and our experts will guide you.
Whether you are adding another standard to your existing system, or implementing a completely new combined package, we can help.
In the case of an IMS, the cost is wholly dependent on how many, and which standards you want to combine. Rest assured it is much more cost effective than going through the process multiple times for each standard.
Depending of the volume of work required, and the certification body's own time scale it can take as little as 4-6 months from start to finish.